Sunday, August 19, 2007

A Chosen Generation

1 Peter tells us that we are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a Holy nation...this generation is the biggest generation to date. I remember when I was at St. John's and it was voting time, for the president I think, and the Professor asked how many of us were voting, not too many people raised their hand, actually it was 4 if I could remember correctly. Anywho, he then says, "Do you know that you guys are the largest population? You have the power to send the vote any which way you want. Too bad you don't care enough to vote." Isn't that sad?!?! We don't care enough about our generation. Yet God tells us that we are chosen. Imagine if we cared enough about the salvation of this generation. I'm not talking about, "thank the Lord my place is "secure" in heaven. I am making it" I'm talking about that brokenness Samuel had when God told him that He was going to take the kingdom away from Saul. Where did THAT brokenness go?

The site for my blog is a new thing has begun (incase you didn't realize) and I named it that because something new has begun. I feel it in my spirit. Everything within me, and surprisingly even my flesh, agrees that God is on the move. Do we dare follow? Do we dare suit up and go. I mean really go.

This generation means something to God; it's a special generation to Him. I don't know why. Maybe it's because we are so wanting to be filled with something and we're searching and God is answering.

We are a chosen generation!!!!!!!!!! THIS generation is the one that's going to bring about change. We're going to turn the world upside and down. We are going to cause this world to stand back and say, just like God told Moses, "They will see that there is a God in Israel"...well New York. Yeah, they're going to stand back in awe at the power of Christ.

I want to be front lines in the generation that not only seeks Him but cries out like John the baptist in the wilderness...PREPARE THE WAY!!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, August 15, 2007


So I am reading Exodus and I am wondering - how ungrateful were the Israelites?? they get out of Egypt and they're happy but then they hit a road bump and all of a sudden, they're complaining. "Why'd you bring us out of Egypt to die?" They get across the Red Sea, they're hungry so what do they do? Complain. "We had better food in Egypt and you bring us out here to die of starvation" So I was thinking, isn't that like us?? God brings us out of adversity and we hit a small bump and then we complain and beg to be back in that place where we were "better off". Sometimes we miss the point of it all. Had we stayed in our Egypt we would've not only been treated horribly, but we would've died (and that could even be physically). God brings us across our Red Sea and then all we do is complain because "we had it better in Egypt". So what?!?! We have to stop looking back to our Egypt and enjoy the promise land before us. If we don't, we're going to miss out on so much. The Israelites complained but because of their complaining, they missed out on the miracles that God was doing. All they saw was that there was food, there was water...but they didn't enjoy the miracle that was the faithfulness of God. So, stop looking at your Egypt and stop complaining in the midst of trials and enjoy the miracle that is God. He brought you out of Egypt, He is faithful to keep you!!!!.

Monday, August 13, 2007

The Power of the Blood

When God swept through Egypt to kill the first born, He required blood to be placed on the door posts for protection to the Israelites. When Christ died, it was the shedding of the blood that brought salvation to our doorsteps. I wonder if we realize that? The blood of Christ was not only shed for our sins but with it comes such power! If we as Christians would ever realize how much God has given us, the devil would never stand a chance. I'm not talking about blessings from the hand of God. I'm talking about faith that moves moutains, worship that causes heaven to open up and prayers that shake the very depth of hell. If we would only realize oh how the devil would run and hide. God has given us so much and we settle for just enough to get by in this walk with Him. If praying and reading our Bible for 15 minutes is enough to "secure" our place in heaven, then do we dare go 16 minutes in the presence of God?! If going to church every time the door opened and having the pastor tell us what God has showed him in the Bible, do we dare seek God on our own?! And if saying that you are a Christian but live a life that barely justifies that, do we dare to pick a side or even dare to pick the side that causes us to be completely sold out for Christ?!? The enemy laughs at us when we stand in church on Sunday and raise on hands and worship and then on Monday with those same hands we raise to our wife or our kids in abuse and that mouth that so worshipped Him, curse Him. If only we would realize that power that the blood has purchased for us. When we do we would not only have chosen sides but we would have suited up and realized the potential and the power that our God has given us. It is then, and only then, will we have finally realize how great is our God!