Monday, March 25, 2013

A New Season

I am entering a new season in my life. I just had a birthday and it seems as if that awakened me to new possibilities. I starting being more aware of things; things I haven't done but wanted to and things I have yet to do. It definitely put things into perspective for me. Simple things I still have yet to do - skydiving is one such thing. Does it matter that I am afraid of heights? I guess I would have to start somewhere so I started with my weight. I am currently 10 pounds lighter :) Now if I could only kick up my exercise routine from once in a while to consistent. Who knows, maybe by summer I would have arrived at my goal weight :) I have certainly had time to evaluate the dos and don'ts over the last several years. Do fall in love. Don't let it be with a selfish, insensitive man (not that I was in love with him) Do live life to the fullest. Don't do it alone. I suppose that would mean that I need to be dependent upon Jesus. He's been the lifter of my head for so long I couldn't imagine any other way. Do forgive. Don't regret forgiving especially when there's a chance the person will do the same thing again. Lastly, enjoy this new season. The ups and downs. The hurts and the happiness. The good and the bad. I think as I laid in my bed the morning of my birthday and thought about my life thus far and I had no choice but to smile. As much as I still have my list of things to do...a sort of bucket list.....I have managed to do a lot in my.....years :). So, I gladly, happily and excitedly look forward to and embrace this new season in my life. The best is yet to come!!!

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