Monday, January 26, 2009

People you meet

I've learned a very important lesson over my very short lived lifetime - be kind to the people you meet because you never know when you'll meet them again. I've met some very interesting people over my lifetime that have left impressions on my life.

It is sad to say that some of them have a bad impression because of their behavior, attitude or pure selfishness but it goes without saying that I learned from those poeple as well.

I met this guy yesterday...well I didn't actually meet him but I saw him in passing on Friday, then again on Sunday afternoon and later that day on the train. It's amazing how you never notice certain things or people until you see them constantly even if you don't know them. I didn't say anything to him, it would've been wierd but it sure made me think.

When people see us from a distance, who do they see? Is it someone that they are willing to meet or would rather stay away from? Everyone says first impressions make a big difference and it's true but it's not about what you say when you actually meet the person but rather what you did before you met them.

So the people you actually end up meeting with a handshake are the people you first met with a smile :)

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