Wednesday, August 15, 2007


So I am reading Exodus and I am wondering - how ungrateful were the Israelites?? they get out of Egypt and they're happy but then they hit a road bump and all of a sudden, they're complaining. "Why'd you bring us out of Egypt to die?" They get across the Red Sea, they're hungry so what do they do? Complain. "We had better food in Egypt and you bring us out here to die of starvation" So I was thinking, isn't that like us?? God brings us out of adversity and we hit a small bump and then we complain and beg to be back in that place where we were "better off". Sometimes we miss the point of it all. Had we stayed in our Egypt we would've not only been treated horribly, but we would've died (and that could even be physically). God brings us across our Red Sea and then all we do is complain because "we had it better in Egypt". So what?!?! We have to stop looking back to our Egypt and enjoy the promise land before us. If we don't, we're going to miss out on so much. The Israelites complained but because of their complaining, they missed out on the miracles that God was doing. All they saw was that there was food, there was water...but they didn't enjoy the miracle that was the faithfulness of God. So, stop looking at your Egypt and stop complaining in the midst of trials and enjoy the miracle that is God. He brought you out of Egypt, He is faithful to keep you!!!!.


kitabear1 said...

I completely agree with this..We want to get out of the trouble spots because we would be better off but once we do we are angry and ungrateful because things didnt go the way we thought it would have,and we wish we were back where we were..But knowing we dont want to. Everyone hits trouble spots but we shouldnt blame God because he has such an awesome plan for us. And in that time of trouble we should seek God out even more and be faithful to him because he has ALWAYS been faithful to us, even when we are angry with him and turn he away he still loves us AND takes us into better things...So I agree with everything you wrote in there..U said it all right...

surrendered said...

It's so much easier to blame God that way we don't have to take responsibility for the fact that we are the ones who got ourselves into the mess. I guess in our sinful nature, we still have the mentality of wanting to take care of things ourself. I suppose eventually we'll learn. Until then, Complain City, here we come!

kitabear1 said...

I dont want to be part of complain city but as much as u are a christian u still hit that spot where u want to complain. Just have to stay strong within God and know that He truly IS God and everything would be okay.