Monday, August 13, 2007

The Power of the Blood

When God swept through Egypt to kill the first born, He required blood to be placed on the door posts for protection to the Israelites. When Christ died, it was the shedding of the blood that brought salvation to our doorsteps. I wonder if we realize that? The blood of Christ was not only shed for our sins but with it comes such power! If we as Christians would ever realize how much God has given us, the devil would never stand a chance. I'm not talking about blessings from the hand of God. I'm talking about faith that moves moutains, worship that causes heaven to open up and prayers that shake the very depth of hell. If we would only realize oh how the devil would run and hide. God has given us so much and we settle for just enough to get by in this walk with Him. If praying and reading our Bible for 15 minutes is enough to "secure" our place in heaven, then do we dare go 16 minutes in the presence of God?! If going to church every time the door opened and having the pastor tell us what God has showed him in the Bible, do we dare seek God on our own?! And if saying that you are a Christian but live a life that barely justifies that, do we dare to pick a side or even dare to pick the side that causes us to be completely sold out for Christ?!? The enemy laughs at us when we stand in church on Sunday and raise on hands and worship and then on Monday with those same hands we raise to our wife or our kids in abuse and that mouth that so worshipped Him, curse Him. If only we would realize that power that the blood has purchased for us. When we do we would not only have chosen sides but we would have suited up and realized the potential and the power that our God has given us. It is then, and only then, will we have finally realize how great is our God!


kitabear1 said...

Wow you are completely writing things that people need to hear..I agree with this one also. Not because ur my older
But it is true about the blood. Jesus sacrificed himself for a hateful generation and we should sacrifice ourselves to praising him whole heartedly every single day. We should not live double lives only praising God on SUndays or church days..Because Jesus gave his life for us in resemblense of an everyday love, I feel. His blood resembelse that he loves us everday not just on Sundays when we go to church and praise him and on Monday-Saturday he parties with us. No, He wants us to live for him everyday and party in celebration for the everlasting life that he has given to those who love him the day he died. The devil is here to seek and destroy and he will do anything to tempt you but Jesus' BLOOD brings new life and joy and we shouldnt let the devil rob us from that. The devil is a liar who wants nothing good for us. Did the devil die for us?!?! I didnt think so, so what good can that bring. Jesus died for us so that shows he loves him completely. HE has NEVER bought unhappiness to our lives but the devil has so why do people continue to not follow Jesus? The answer may never be answered but Jesus is coming back soon and his blood would be shown on those who love him completely.

surrendered said...

Why do people continue to not follow Jesus?? I've asked myself this question many times. I mean, look at the tormoil that we go through but one of the reasons I've come to believe is that if people do follow Him, they'll be accountable for what they do or don't do and what they say and don't say. Who wants that right??? So, for some it is easier to believe that the devil has set out to bring us "good" rather than be held accountable for anything.

kitabear1 said...

That is true...They are not accountable right now when they are not serving God but when they do its something different. All we can do is pray for this generation because the day of judgement is coming soon