Saturday, December 6, 2008


I was watching a commercial for a movie on Hallmark. I've got to say that I admittingly love the Hallmark channel. The movies are clean and such tearjerkers but anyways, I"m watching the commercial and the lady asks the guy "What is your purpose in life?" and his reply: "to be happy" then she said: "It's to make a difference" Then I thought about it and realized...that's MY purpose; that's what God has called me to, called all of us to.

When He said, "go and make fruitful" it was a call for our purpose. It wasn't just about me any more. God was giving me a reason to live. I wasn't just suppose to aimlessly roam the earth, nor was I suppose to just be content with my own salvation and serving Christ. There should be, has to be, must be....fruit. My purpose is to make a difference. When Jesus walked this earth, that's all He did, make a difference. By speaking to one person at a well, He changed her life. By telling one man that He saw him while he was sitting under a tree, Jesus made his day.

I could only imagine what me saying hello to someone, smiling at someone, listening to someone, changes their whole life. That they'd remember that girl that did something not extraordinary, just out of the ordinary and it would cause them to want to know why. Then I'd be able to say "because Someone did it for me". I know that sounds corny and maybe a little unrealistic but why can't it happen? Someone did do it for me. He died, He lived and after all...He chose me.

So what's my purpose? To make a difference. Not to just be here, not to just be content that I'm going to heaven but to change the life of someone just like Christ changed mine. I think that by me doing something out of the ordinary (saying hello to a complete stranger) God will do something extraordinary :)

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