Wednesday, December 3, 2008

What now?

So I’ve been pretty sure that once I graduate, I will go to work in a hospital, in pediatrics, for a year and then go to the mission field. Now, I’m not so sure. Now I think the hospital is not even an option for me anymore. I feel as if God is saying to me that I need to be a part of on call missions. Okay that’s not a problem BUT I think that means be in the office as the medical person on staff in the missions department. HUH? Me? Have you met me? Hahaha.
Now I feel divided. What does that mean for jrhigh if I’m suppose to be a part of on-call or intervarsity? Does that mean I should prepare myself to begin moving out of the jrhigh role and into some place else? Does that mean that I should prepare myself to work in both areas? All? None? I think this is where the fear began….

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